- 5 -
If the status of the zone is “bypass” (Y) – the system prompts whether to arm the system
without arming the intruded zone and produces two long beeps when arming was done
with the use of remote control. Acceptance with the use OK button or remote control
arms the system bypassing that zone. The use of any other button or no response cancels
arming procedure.
If the zone is not defined as “bypass” (N) – the control panel will display message
“Violated zone” with its name and the system will not arm. In that case, the cause of the
security violation should be cleared and a new arming attempt be made.
Elmes CB32 control panel allows testing the operation of all wireless detectors installed
in alarm zones by simultaneous display of their on/off status. To activate that function
button “1” on the keypad must be pressed and hold down until two 16 points lines scale
appear on the LCD panel. The displayed points represent all 32 wireless detectors that
can operate with the CB32 control panel. Any detector activated in the system produces
“*” mark to be momentarily displayed on the LCD at point position corresponding to
alarm zone number to which the detector was learned. Tamper switch activation in the
detector produces mark “S” to be displayed in the corresponding zone point on the
scale. Exit from this function is made by next holding down button “1” of keypad.
Connecting TAMPER switches of external devices (e.g. phone dialer or siren) as shown
on the diagram of Fig.2 enables anti-sabotage protection of these devices. Cutting off or
short-circuiting of the tamper wire generates sabotage alarm in zone 32 of the control
panel. If the TAMP terminal is not used, it must be shorted to the GND terminal with 10
kOhm resistor.
The CB32 control panel can operate with GSM phone for monitoring of an intrusion
alarm, arming, disarming or system failure notification. If an alarm occurs, SMS
messages are sent up to two phone numbers along with information of the alarm source
zone. Also, CLIP notification calls are made to these phones. The SMS messages are
user editable and may contain codes required for monitoring. AC power failure and
restoration are also reported in the form of SMS messages. GSM phones accepting AT
commands that may be used with the panel, e.g. Siemens C60, C65, C45, Sony Ericsson
T68, T230. List of accepted phones is available on website: www.elmes.pl
To connect GSM phone with the CB32 control panel, a dedicated interface cable with
integrated phone charger is required and may be optionally ordered from the seller.
To access the main menu of the CB32 panel press and hold down OK button for more
than two seconds. You can navigate the menu using vertical and horizontal cursor keys.
If the keypad is not used for more than two minutes the menu exits and display of the
current status of the control panel on the LCD panel returns.
- 6 -
In this menu the user can view details of the last alarms: date, time and zone of the
alarm(s) source. The use of
buttons selects an earlier or later event respectively,
and the use of
buttons changes the method of displaying the alarm source – from
numeric to descriptive, e.g.: zone No. 5
This menu is designed to view the causes of the failures signaled on the control panel by
flashing the “ALARM” LED. Failures signaled on the control panel include:
Mains power supply failure.
Rechargeable battery failure or absence.
Communication problem with the detector.
Detector’s low battery with zone identification.
Communication problem with GSM phone.
buttons are used to scroll through signaled failures.
The “ALARM” LED stops flashing when the cause of failure is cleared.
Access to this menu is available only if the control panel is not armed and upon entering
a valid password code confirmed by OK button. Factory setting of the password for the
user No. 1 is “„0000”. Exit from the menu and canceling entries are made by the use of
C button. Users Nos. 1-4 (administrators) have access to all functions whereas other
users can access functions 1-2 only. All editable service functions available in this menu
are described further on.
1. Password Change.
Service settings
Password change
This menu allows changing user’s own password code. Passwords of other users can be
changed in the “Users” menu (see item 5). After accessing this menu “Enter password”
prompt appears. Enter the new password code containing 3 to 6 digits, and then press
OK. When the “Repeat password” prompt appears, enter the new password code again
and press OK. The new password replaces old one. In case of entering an existing or
incorrect password “Wrong password” message appears.
2. Event Memory.
Service settings
Event memory
This menu allows viewing detailed information concerning last 256 events (alarms,
failures, arming, disarming, errors, etc.) that occurred in the system. The event memory
cannot be edited, and allows only viewing the event details in the sequence of their
occurring. The
buttons select an earlier or later event respectively while the
buttons change the method of displaying the alarm source, e.g.: zone No. 5
user No. 3
John Smith, etc.