Elma RT606 A
side 19
5.0 Control Elements and Connections
1. LEDs for indication of the individual phases L1, L2, and L3
2. LED to display clockwise rotary direction (right-hand rotation)
3. LED to display counter-clockwise rotary direction (left-hand rotation)
4. Quick reference guide on the rear sid of instrument
6.0 Determination of the Rotary Field Direction
Within a three-phase system the sequence of the three phases connected determine the
rotary direction of a motor connected. The correct phase sequence L1, L2, L3 results in a
clockwise rotation.
Connect test probes respecting the correct sequence to the test instrument
Connect the test probes with the three mains phases
If the LED R is illuminated, a clockwise rotary field is present. If the LED L is
illuminated a counter-clockwise rotary field is present.
7.0 Maintenance
When using the instrument in compliance with the instruction manual, no special
maintenance is required. Should operational problems occur during daily use, our
consulting service will be at your disposal, free of charge. If functional errors occur after
expiration of warranty, our after sales service will repair your instrument without delay.
8.0 Cleaning
If the instrument is dirty after daily usage, it is advised to clean it by using a humid cloth
and a mild household detergent. Prior to cleaning, ensure that instrument is disconnected
from external voltage supply and any other instruments connected. Never use acid