DGS 10
side 7
General operation
1. Turn the unit on in an uncontaminated environment (clean air away from the system
in question) by pressing the ON key.
2. The GREEN ready light will illuminate if there is ample battery power. The RED
LED may flicker and the tic sound may modulate during the warm-up period. The
warm up will take approximately 40 to 60 secs, after which the tic rate will
automatically settle to a steady rate.
3. The TIC RATE MAY BE ADJUSTED by pressing the ‘up’ / ‘down’ arrows until a
suitable, uniform ticking sound is heard. The RED light will flash at the same time
the tic sounds.
4. Approach the suspected leak areas with the sensor until the tic begins to increase.
When the tic increases, do not move the sensor from the area, use the arrow keys
to slow the ticking and continue to approach the suspected leak area with the
sensor. Continue to slow the tic until the location of the leak is found. If the tic
stops, the concentration level has decreased. Move back in the opposite direction to
find the leak again.
5. If the GREEN LED flickers, change the batteries. (see battery replacement)
6. If the instrument does not perform or it has been damaged, follow the Operation
Check section of this manual.