02-5/2018 Rev.0
Made in Czech Republic
ELKO EP, s.r.o. | Palackého 493 | 769 01 Holešov, Všetuly | Czech republic | e-mail: [email protected]
Support: +420 778 427 366
Energy gateway
Settings - set RFPM-2M
The entire RFPM2-M is divided into several parts:
- Set up a network interface that allows network communication.
- setting of RFTM-1 pulse transducers
- External RFPM-2 inputs and security settings.
Device mode - RFPM-2M can be set as:
Access Point Bridge
– RFPM-2M is an Ethernet cable connected to a home router that assigns IP to all devices that connect
to RFPM-2M.
Access Point LAN
– RFPM-2M creates a custom network that is separate from the home network. Devices can only be
accessed from this network.
Client LAN
– RFPM-2M is connected to a home router using DHCP or static IP. RFPM-2M acts as a terminal device and
cannot be accessed directly through it.
- Network settings
– IP address is set automatically
– IP address needs to be set in the appropriate range of the connected router (fi lling the IP address of RFPM-2, masks,
gateways and DNS).
WLAN Access Point Settings
- WiFi network setup RFPM-2M
– the name of WiFi created
– type of security
– must be fi lled in the required form for that security
– WiFi broadcast channel
LAN Network Address Server Settings (DHCP)
- setting assigned ranges of connected devices.
Network interface settings
– display the RFTM-1 signal strength
– RFTM-1 name optionally chosen
– The RF address that is listed on RFTM-1
Unit of measurment
– Unit of measurement (kW / h - for electricity measurement or m3 - for water or gas measurement)
Interval minutes
– After the set time interval has elapsed, RFTM-1 sends information about the magnitude of the
measured value (minimum interval is 1 minute).
Treshold (pulse)
– the pulse value pulse interval - after recording the set number of pulses RFTM-1 sends information
on the size of the measured value (the minimum number of pulses is 1) - the RFTM-1 can send this information at most
once per minute
– Pulse value for the measured value (the value that translates the number of pulses per unit of a given quantity)
- this is given on the meter, gas meter or water meter (e.g.: 800 meters / kWh on the meter).
Edit / Delete / Add device
– buttons to add / edit / delete settings for RFTM-1
Setting the RFTM-1 pulse converter
L1, L2, L3 setup
- settings for each phase
Voltage monitoring (overvoltage, under-voltage) - sets the upper level in the range of 138-276V (overvoltage) and the
lower level in the range of 35-99% of the upper level. If the phase moves from this set band, the output relay switches on
/ off the contact (if this function is indicated).
L1, L2, L3
– Setting for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3
– setting the limit value of the quantities
– fi xed deviation attributed to the limit value when returning to the supervised zone
– Activating this button activates the Warning function
– by activating this button it is possible to switch the relay when the defi ned value is exceeded
Over Voltage (V)
– overvoltage
Under Voltage (V)
– Under-voltage
Phase Loss (V)
– monitors loss of voltage on individual phases
THD Voltage (%)
THD Current (%)
– percentage deviation expressing distortion from ideal harmonic fl ow.
Asymmetry (%)
– the asymmetry rate between the phases is set at 5-20%. If the set asymmetry is exceeded, the relay
can be switched on / off .