background image

2 / 4

 min. 30 cm

 min. 15 cm

max. 30 cm

min. 150 cm

 min. 30 cm






 min. 15 cm

 min. 50 cm - max. 600 cm






An internal, battery-powered smoke detector combines the timely detection of smoul-
dering and open fi res from which smoke escapes. It is equipped with an optical smoke 
detector for smoke detection. An example of a smouldering fi re is a burning cigarette on 
a couch or bedding, which is a common cause of fi res. 

Indicators and detector states

After inserting the batteries, the detector sends an introductory message containing the 
measured temperature, humidity, light intensity, optical-smoke sensor status, and fi rm-
ware version of the device.


The  detector scans for smoke every 10 seconds, the green LED blinks at the same time 
(the LED signalling can be switched off  by the DIP switch). Every 10 minutes the detec-
tor senses temperature, humidity and light intensity. Displays the measured data re-
port at six hourly intervals. In the case of smoke detection or rapid temperature change 
it is displayed immediately.


Alarm - the sensor detects smoke, the red LED blinks within 1 second, the detector 
emits a loud, intermittent „beep“. Terminate the alarm by scattering the smoke. The 
audible alarm can be switched off  by the test button, in the case of positive smoke 
detection; the audible alarm is restored after 5 minutes.


Dead battery: 
- sending a message to the server
- every 5 s 3 times the red LED lights up on the detector.


Detector failure:
- sending a message to the server
- Indication of the red LED on the detector and one short beep every 40 seconds.


Removed from base:
- sending a message to the server
- every 3 seconds the red LED lights up on the detector.

Placement recommendations

Appropriate location

In new buildings, install smoke detectors according to the project.
•  Smoke and other combustion products rise to the ceiling and expand horizontally. In 

residential buildings we recommend installing smoke detectors in the middle of the 

•  Detector area is 40 m


. Make sure that the smoke detector is located at least 15 cm from 

the side wall and 50 cm from each corner of the room (fi g. A). Max. The recommended 
installation height is 4 m.

•  In the rooms with a sloping, pointed or saddle roof (e.g. attics) the smoke detectors are 

mounted on the ceiling at a distance of 90 cm from the highest point.

•  When installing on a wall, place the detector 15 -30 cm below the ceiling (Figure b). The 

bottom of the detector should be located above the top edge of all doors, windows 
and other openings.

•  Although it is most appropriate to install a fi re detector, it is recommended to place it in 

a connection room such as a staircase or hallway. The triggering of the alarm is delayed, 
but it will limit the number of the false alarms from the smoke of burnt pans or smoke 
from the fi replace.

•  To increase security, detectors should be installed in each room of the building.

Inappropriate location

•  Places where smoke sensing can be distorted:

- Room where turbulent air fl ows from ventilators, heaters or doors or windows, etc.
- Top of the gable roof
- Less than 30 cm from the wall when mounted on the ceiling and 50 cm from the corner 

of the room

- Less than 30 cm from the luminaires
- Less than 150 cm from fl uorescent lamps
- If there are objects near the detector that could prevent smoke accessing the detector 

(decoration, etc.).

- A clearance of at least 50 cm must be maintained in all directions under the detector.

•  Rooms with high humidity and rooms with alternating temperature (bathrooms, sho-

wers, laundries, kitchens, etc.).

•  In dusty environments, in areas with heavy concentrations of cigarette smoke (boiler 

rooms, garages, etc.).

•  In places infested with insects.
•  In places where regular testing or maintenance would be dangerous.



fl uorescent


•  The detector is intended for indoor use. Therefore, use it exclu-

sively for scanning in closed, dry and dust-free areas.

•  Ensure that the ventilation openings remain free and do not 

block it with other appliances, furniture or other objects.

•  Place the detector in such a place that the ambient air can fl ow 

through the device.


corner of
the room



Important Notice


The detector can only warn you in time if it is properly installed and properly main-
tained and tested according to the instructions.


WARNING: This appliance does not detect fi re, carbon monoxide or other hazardous 

•  The detector is not intended for installation in an industrial environment.

•  Always be aware of potential dangers, develop safety awareness, and take precautions 

to avoid dangers whenever and wherever needed. The detector can reduce the likeli-
hood of catastrophe but cannot guarantee 100% safety.

Testing the detector

What to do when smoke is detected 

If an alarm sounds and the smoke alarm is not being tested, smoke is detected. Your imme-
diate attention and actions are required. Follow fi re precautions.

1. If it is safe to do so, check the source of the smoke, try to put out the source of the fi re 


2. If the fi re fails to be extinguished, call the emergency line by phone and follow exactly 

the instructions you are given in the situation.

3. Exit the area. Check if all people have left the area.
4. Ensure that electricity, gas, heating ... is turned off , remove hazardous materials (e.g. 


5. As far as possible, take part in the evacuation of persons, animals, and fi ghting the 

fi re, etc.

Long press the test button to start the detector test. During the test, the green LED fl ash-
es (two fl ashes every second). The siren’s activity is fi rst tested - a long tone sounds. The 
smoke chamber test follows. After a successful test, the detector fl ashes and beeps three 
times. The application will automatically send a message about the successful completion 
of the test.
If the detector does not signal properly, check the correct detector assembly, the battery 
location, replace the batteries, and then repeat the test.

Every detector must be tested regularly to ensure that it is properly installed and working 


Test the detectors regularly at least once a month. It is also recommended to perform 
the function test even before long absences outside the detected area (holiday, etc.).


Do not use an open flame to test the detector.


When testing the device, keep the distance from the detector to the length of your arm 
or use hearing protection.


Keep the detector clean.


If it does not work properly, replace it immediately.
