C) Suspended installation
Installing the air purifier to the ceiling in a very
high room makes maintaining difficult. In such
cases you may suspend the mounting bracket
from the ceiling at the desired altitude using
chains, wires or threaded rods (figure 4). For the
rest of installation, follow the instructions of
ceiling installation. An extension mains cable may
be required for power supply. You can attach the
cable to one of the supports. A firm table or
similar platform and 1-2 assistants are required
when lifting the unit to its mounting bracket.
1) Connect the mains cable to the wall socket. The unit is on and running at speed II (2
green bars on the control panel display. The yellow high voltage indicator is continuously
2) Test the functioning of the unit by pressing the red button on control panel. The speed of
the air purifier motor rotates in the following sequence: (figure 5)
speed II
speed III
3) Repeat the same test using the remote controller. Point the infra-red beam from the
narrow end of the remote controller to the receiver in the control panel. The transmitter is
operated using the press-button (under the diaphragm). Pressing the button turns on the
green indicator light in front of the button. Pressing the remote control button is
equivalent to pressing the button on the control panel.
The maximum operating distance is ca. 10 m. The distance may be reduced by thick
cigarette smoke or any solid structure which restricts the passage of the infra-red light.
Accurate aiming or longer pressing of the button (2
3 seconds) is required when using
the remote controller at the outer limits of its operating distance.
4) The unit has a built-in option for wire-operated remote control. This requires, however,
additional installations. If you want to use this option (equivalent to pressing control panel
button) please call your authorized Elixair service company for further instructions.