defrost interval time. Interval between the start of two successive defrosting operations.
defrost Counting type. Selection of count mode for the defrosting interval.
0 = compressor operating hours (DIGIFROST® method); Defrosting active only if compressor is on.
1 = Real Time - equipment operating hours; defrost counting is always active when the machine is on and
start everytime the instrument switch on,
2 = compressor stop. Each time the compressor stops a defrosting cycle is performed according to
parameter dtY
defrost Offset Hour. Start-of-defrosting delay time from the call.
defrost Endurance time. Defrosting time-out; determines duration of defrosting.
defrost Stop temperature. Defrost stop temperature (defined by the evaporator probe).
defrost (at) Power On. Determines if at the start-up the instrument must enter defrosting (if the temperature
measured by the evaporator allows this operation). y = yes; n = no.
FANS REGULATOR (folder with “FAn” label)
Fan Stop temperature. Fan lock temperature; if the value, read by the evaporator probe, is higher than the set
value, fans stop.
Fan differential. Fan starting differential (see par. “FSt”).
Fan delay time. Delay time in activating fans after a defrost operation.
drainage time. Dripping time.
defrost Fan disable. Allows to select the evaporator probes exclusion during defrost.
y = yes (fan disable); n = no.
Fan Compressor OFF. Allows to select compressor fans lock OFF (switched off).
y = fans activated (with thermostat; based on the value read by the defrost probe, see parameter “FSt”);
n = fans off; dc = not used.
Fan open door. Fans active when the door is open.
Allows you to select the option of stopping the fans when the door is open, and re-starting the fans when door
is closed (if they were active). n = fans stop; y = fans unchanged.