Before cleaning or carrying out any maintenance on your elliptical, ensure the power is turned off
and the power cord removed from the plug socket.
Prolong the life of your elliptical by performing periodic maintenance checks. Not only does this
ensure your machine is in full working order to ensure they continue to run smoothly and reliably,
but it will save you service costs in the long run.
General cleaning of the unit after use will protect the ellipticals powder-coated framework and
prevent unnecessary corrosion stains and damage to the structural components from sweat and
perspiration. During this time check for any cracks and damage.
Pivot points
No matter what style of elliptical trainer you have there will be areas where the arms and
legs rotate on an axle or bolt. These pivot points need to be tightened enough so there is still
movement in the desired direction of travel but no sideways movement.
Excessive sideways movement causes knocking noises and extra wear. Crosstrainers with a sealed
bearing on the axle do not require greasing however units with a plastic or brass bushing should
be greased twice a year with general purpose automotive grease between the axle and bush. This
ensures that the moving parts are not rubbing directly on one another and causing wear.
Joins in frame
Areas where the frame is bolted together (e.g. the upright mast to the base or the stabiliser legs
to the base) need to be kept really tight. Any movement in these areas can cause knocking or
squeaking noises during use. It pays to check once every couple of months that things haven’t
loosened off. Using a thread-locking compound is encouraged but it’s still not a permanent
solution, checking on a regular basis is the best bet to keep your machine running as best it
possibly can.