SCPI Commands
Elgar CW-P Series
Return the state of the output relay.
:OUTPut <boolean>
Set the output relay to open (OFF) or closed (ON).
Return the state of the output relay.
:STATe <boolean>
Set the output relay to open (OFF) or closed (ON).
Power Supply source menu tree.
Return the present current limit setpoint.
:CURRent [<value>]
Set foldback over-current mode and optionally
specify the over-current value.
Return the present current limit setpoint.
:LEVel [<value>]
Set over-current limit setpoint.
:IMMediate [<value>]
Process new amplitude without waiting for more
:AMPLitude <value>
Set over-current limit setpoint.
Return the present current limit setpoint.
Return the present current limit setpoint amps.
:PROTection [<value>]
Specifies the over current shutdown mode and
optionally can specify the over current value.
Clears the over-current protection circuit.
:CURTimeout [<value>]
Programs the current level in current foldback mode
and optionally sets the timeout value in milliseconds.
Return the present current limit.
0 = CW in foldback mode, 1 = shutdown mode
:STATe <boolean>
Program the over-current timeout circuit to enabled
or disabled (foldback).
:TIMe <value>
Program the over-current timeout setpoint.
Return the over-current timeout setpoint.
:LEVel <value>
Sets the over-current setpoint.
Returns the over-current setpoint.
:STATe <boolean>
Set over-current active = ON, OFF to disable.
Return present over-current state.
Return 1 if the over-current circuit has tripped,
0 if not.
Summary of Contents for CW 1251P
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