Elevate Climbing Walls, LLC | 18870 72
Ave S | Kent, WA 98032 | 206-641-9119
Step 2: Prepare mounting surface using 2x4 studs (not included)
Mount the 2x4 studs as shown in FIGURE 1, below. Use the timber lock screws to
secure the studs to the wall every 16” (one timber lock at each 16” spot is preferrable).
Each stud should have a minimum of five timber locks to secure the stud, and up to 7
timber locks.
: You may want to raise the bottom stud off the ground the height of your padding,
such as 4” (See step 6). This way your padding will slightly tuck under the wall to create
a clean look.
: The middle horizontal stud will be overlapped by both the top row of panels and
the bottom row of panels of your traverse wall and will be used to secure all panels. The
other studs should terminate flush with the edges of the panels (be hidden once panels are
attached). This will allow you to affix the border around the panels in step 4 by attaching
the border to the studs.
FIGURE 2: Competed Traverse Wall with Border
(shown with 2 panels removed to reveal flat mounted studs
used for mounting surface.