User Manual TPS/T 10-90kVA 62000560_09_
The TPS/T range buttons allows to make use of the full output power at different voltages.
There are two different ranges: 300 Volt and 150 Volt.
The maximum output power changes according to the nature of the connected load; in case of
resistance loads the power is nominal, in case of pure inductive loads the power increases, in
case of pure capacity load the power diminishes.
To change the range, push the button corresponding to the requested range placed on the left
of the command panel under the voice RANGE VOLT.
When the range is changed, the display showing the set voltage turns off and the output voltage
goes down slowly till zero, then the output power is switched off; after about 15 seconds the
output is switched on again and the Volts display visualizes zero voltage (0.0); since that moment
TPS/T is ready to receive on the new range.
The display concerning the output voltage can visualize the set voltage or the output voltage with
four digits both.
At turn on, the display visualizes the set voltage and this is indicated by the led on the button SET
in the DISPLAY VOLT section of the panel.
In order to visualize the actual output voltage, push the corresponding button (OUT); the
visualized voltage indicates the output voltage with a precision of 0.3% at full scale range.
If the set voltage is changed, the display returns to show the set value.