User Manual TPS/T 10-90kVA 62000560_09_
TPS/T also allows to synchronize the output frequency with the frequency of the supply line; this
synchronization is obtained both in frequency with line.
This allows a completely syncronous output, with a zero-phase error with regard to the supply
line, but with a completely insulated output and with a far superior voltage stability.
It must be remarked that, in three phase version, trough remote interface, it is possible to set a
variable phase delay on all the three outputs, this is useful for example, to study single phase
motor with starting capacitor, or in all those cases where a different phase displacement than
three phase is required.
The resolution of phase setting is 0,088° (12 bits on 360°).
User interface
TPS/T is intended to have an user friendly interface.
It is also featured the possibility of an host computer control, thus allowing to perform tests
TPS/T allows various usage selections: working range, wires drop compensation, working
frequency, synchronization of the output frequency with the power line.
TPS/T gives the user clear information on the status of the output.
It is monitored both the set voltage and the set frequency and the output voltage is read with a
precision of 0.3%.
The user is also warned in case of overcurrent obtainable by the TPS/T, or in case of high loss in
the wires, that should not exceed 5% of the set voltage.
We underline again that TPS/T automatically limits the maximum allowed current, avoiding
damages to the equipment; in that in this case it is not guaranteed the precision of the output
waveform neither the accuracy of the output voltage.
The user can set the output voltage through the numeric keyboard, or he can continuously vary
the voltage through specific keys. The same possibility is valid for the setting of the frequency.
The above possibility makes the TPS/T very flexible in those applications where it is requested a
continuous variation of the two regulated magnitudes, around a given values.