In this world there is an abundance of living things. Some are
larger and easily seen with your own eyes but others are so minute
that millions could be placed on the head of a pin. These can only
be seen through microscope.
A magnifying glass is basically a simple microscope. When we talk
about a microscope, we’re referring to a “compound microscope”.
A compound microscope features two or more lenses connected
by a hollow cylinder.
The microscope was invented by Zacharias Janssen and his father
Hans, a Dutch spectacle maker around the year 1590. They placed
lenses in a tube and discovered that the object near the end of the
tube appeared larger, larger than any simple magnifying glass.
Their first microscope was 18” inches long when fully extended. It
combined three long sliding tubes, two inches in diameter. When fully
closed it had a magnification of 3x, and 9x when fully extended. The
eyepiece lens was bi-convex and the objective lens was plano-convex.
This was a very advanced compound design for this time period.
Jansen’s microscope was an important advance from the
magnifying glass. By the end of the seventeenth century, further
developments, notably by Anton van Leeuwenhoek and Robert
Hooke, allowed the observation of organisms such as fossils,
diatoms, as well as the first cells.
Today, magnifications greater than 1000x using modern
microscopes have been at the forefront of scientific development.
Your microscope will be a source of many hours of pleasure as a
hobby or open the door to advanced knowledge in the varied field
of science. We hope you enjoy your experience!
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