Instruction Manual
PSI 800 R Series
Date: 01-25-2016
Mechanical drawing
7. Miscellaneous
7.1 Accessories and options
Following accessories are optionally available:
a) Digital interface cards
Pluggable and retrofitable, digital interface cards
for USB, RS232 or CAN are available. There is one
interface card slot available with every model.
7.2 Firmware update
A firmware update of the device should only be done
if the device shows erroneous behaviour or if new
features have been implemented.
In order to update a device, it requires a certain digi-
tal interface card, a new firmware file and a Windows
software called „Update tool“.
These interfaces are qualified to be used for a firm-
ware update:
• IF-U2 (USB)
• IF-R2 (RS232)
In case none of the above interface types is at hand,
the device can not be updated. Please contact your
dealer for a solution. The update tool and the par-
ticular firmware file for your device are obtainable
from the website of the device manufacturer, or are
mailed upon request. The update tool will guide the
user through the semi-automatic update process.