Page 14 of 24 MEL-TEMP M8160 Issue 1.5
7.3. MEL-TEMP Operation.
7.3.1. Connect the MEL-TEMP to the power supply as previously described. It will perform a
self check while displaying the model and firmware version. The display will then turn to
the Home screen
which says ‘Ready’ and shows the MEL-TEMP ovens current
7.3.2. F1 is the Home screen for setting temperatures and running the Mel-Temp
. Press ‘Fn’
key to enter the F2 screen. The F2 screen will display the details of the last performed
melt sequence. To toggle between F1 home screen and F2 Melt recall screen press the
‘Fn’ key.
7.3.3. To commence melt setup and perform a melt sequence, ensure the unit is in the F1
home screen.
Press the return key.
You are now asked to ‘Set the Temperature’. Use the key pad to enter the required set
point temperature. Refer to paragraph 7.2.1 Principals of Operation. Once the desired
set point temperature has been entered press the return key.
7.3.5. You are now asked to select your preferred ramp rate. Press 1 for 1°C/min or 2 for
10°C/min. Upon selection the MEL-TEMP will commence heating to the set point.
7.3.6. As the MEL-TEMP heats up to the set point temperature you will see four asterisks
progressing across the low half of the display screen indicating the closeness of the
oven temperature to the set point temperature. Flashing asterisks indicates the oven is
in an active state. When the set point temperature has been reached the MEL-TEMP
will beep three times and all four asterisks will stop flashing and be on constantly.
7.3.7. Insert your chemicals sample and allow the MEL-TEMP oven and chemicals to stabilize
for a couple of minutes. Press the return key to commence ramping at the previously
selected ramp rate.
7.3.8. When the first melt is observed press the return key. Up to four melt stages may be
as described in Paragraph 7.2.3 ‘Determining melt’. Press the return key
every time a melt is observed. Once you have completed all the melts you require
(maximum of four melt stages be recorded) press the
‘Fn’ to move out of melt record
7.3.9. You are now asked if you wish to turn off the oven. Press key 1 for
or key 2 for
If you are going to perform subsequent melts then leave the oven on. The MEL-TEMP
oven will reset back to the previous set point temperature.
If you perform subsequent melts you will overwrite existing data. To view existing
data always turn the oven off and then select F2 by pressing the Fn button to toggle into
F2 mode.