IO 320, IO 360 and IO 540
Remove the 5/8" - 18 plug located on the rear engine accessory case above and forward of the oil
filter adaptor or oil screen as applicable. Install E.I.’s P-120 Oil Probe with a new oil seal and
torque to Lycoming’s specifications. Check for oil leaks after the first flight.
All Other Engines
Equipped with a 5/8"-18 Secondary Oil Drain Plug
Remove the 5/8"-18 Secondary oil drain plug located on the bottom of the engine. Install E.I.’s P-
120 Oil Probe with a new oil seal and torque to specifications. Check for oil leaks after the first
If another location is used to measure oil temperature, make sure the probe does not interfere with
the operation of the engine.
8. Carb Temp Probe Installation
Carb Temp Probe Installation
Carb Temp Probe Installation
Carb Temp Probe Installation
Carb Temp Probe Installation
Remove the threaded plug located in the carburetor housing just below the throttle valve. Install
the Carburetor Temperature Probe (P-128) in this hole using a lock washer. Care should be taken
not to over-tighten the probe and strip the threads in the carburetor housing.
NOTE: A Carb Temp Probe should be connected to a precision channel on the UBG. That would
be channel 7 or 8 on the left and right Circular Connector. A three to four degree F error can
occur in some instances if the Carburetor Probe is not connected to a precision channel.
9. OAT Probe Installation
OAT Probe Installation
OAT Probe Installation
OAT Probe Installation
OAT Probe Installation
Mount the OAT Probe in an appropriate location on the aircraft, using the hardware supplied.
The OAT Probe is sensitive to air temperature changes. For this reason, do not mount the OAT
probe in the path of the cowl or engine exiting air (i.e., on the belly of the aircraft). Also, if the
probe is mounted in the cowling area near a turbo or hot cylinder head, radiant heat may influ-
ence the probe temperature. Other than these consideration the OAT Probe may be mounted in
an air intake vent, on the side of the cowling or anywhere else on the aircraft.
NOTE: An OAT Probe should be connected to a precision channel on the UBG. That would be
channel 7 or 8 on the left and right Circular Connector. A three to four degree F error can occur
in some instances if the OAT Probe is not connected to a precision channel.
10. Other Temperature Probe Installation
Other Temperature Probe Installation
Other Temperature Probe Installation
Other Temperature Probe Installation
Other Temperature Probe Installation
Other temperature probes (Cowl Temp, CDI Temp, Water Temp, etc.) may be installed using
current aircraft standards and practices (refer to AC 43.13). Make sure these probes do not
interfere with the operation of the engine or aircraft.