Tec3r Manual Version 1.11
- Page 57 -
©2017 Electromotive, Inc.
D.2.c. Phase-Sequential Injection
Most applications will use the phase-sequential firing option. This firing scenario pairs cylinders that
share their TDC’s to the same injector channels. As such, one injector channel fires two injectors: one on
compression and the other on exhaust. Each injector channel will fire once per revolution, so each cylinder
will see a shot of fuel on both the exhaust and compression stroke. In an 8-cylinder application, each injector
channel has its own staged injector channel. 16 low-impedance injectors could be used with this firing
scenario. See
Figure D.2. 2
for a typical 8-cylinder phase-sequential injector wiring schematic.
Figure D.2. 2 :
8-cylinder phase-
sequential injector
wiring for firing order