Tec3r Manual Version 1.11
- Page 23 -
©2017 Electromotive, Inc.
Red 10awg Wire:
Connect to Battery Positive
Black 16awg Wire:
Connect to Vehicle Ground
Power Outputs (w/ switched voltage input)
The power outputs provide power for the DFU’s, injectors, EGO sensor heater, and Fuel Pump. The
switched voltage input is used to turn on the
ECU, and should be wired to a +12Volt source that is
activated with the ignition key.
Purple/White Stripe 16awg : Injector Power (runs to all injectors)
Red/White Stripe:
DFU Power (pin “D” on DFU’s)
Green 16awg:
Fuel Pump Positive and EGO Sensor Heater Positive
Yellow 18awg:
Sw12 Volt Input (for
turn-on request)
The Wiring Diagrams in the DFU and Injector wiring sections of this manual show the terminals on which
the power should be brought in. Any reference to fusing the power source in these sections is unnecessary
when using the Power Harness, since the connections are already fused.
Figure A.5.1:
Power Harness (PN: 070-40000).
A.5.c. Wiring the Fuel Injectors
The Injector connectors use pull-to-seat terminals. DO NOT crimp the terminals onto the wires until
you have fed the wires through the connector!
When wiring the injectors,
Section D
must be referenced to determine the correct wiring for your
application. To summarize the main wiring points from
Section D
Injector drivers 1-4 use a Yellow base color. The stripe color indicates the channel (Black-Red-
Green-Blue = Channel 1-2-3-4).