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How to Operate / The Right Pots and Pans
Switch for Dual-Circuit Cooking (6010 K/6051 K)
To switch on the small heating circuit (120 mm Ø) use the left-front switch. To add the
larger heating circuit (210 mm Ø) turn the switch in question beyond the “3“ to the
symbol . Both heating circuits are then switched on.
The Right Pots and Pans
General Remarks
The better the pot, the better the result.
You can tell good cooking utensils by their undersurfaces, not by the materials
from which they are made.
The bottom should be as thick and flat as possible. It must not be rough (e.g. pots
made of cast iron), since scratches then appear when shifting them.
Make use of high pots for dishes involving lots of liquid. In this way nothing can
boil over.
Avoid heating of empty enamel pots/pans, since this can ruin the bottom, resulting
in scratching when the vessel is subsequently moved. The bottoms of pots and
pans with edges and ridges also have a wearing effect.
The pot base and the heating area must be of the same size. Ensure that the
vessel is positioned in the middle of the heating area. This area should always be
kept clean, since dirty surface areas and pot bases not only serve to damage the
glass ceramics, but also increase electricity consumption.
Make use of the residual heat - switch the heating ring off in good time before the end
of the cooking stage.
Pot too small
Lid not
Pot base
Pot too large
(Glass ceramics)