- 16 -
TSE-N 01.01 A. B.
599 50 86 62EN
1 = 5 V
Fig. Function controller
Voltage in rest position:
Data in % of the voltage applied nnung
0 to 4
Pos. 2
7 to 15
Pos. 3
18 to 26
Pos. 4
29 to 37
Pos. 5
40 to 18
Pos. 6
52 to 60
Pos. 7
63 to 71
Pos. 8
74 to 82
Pos. 9
85 to 93
Pos. 10
96 to 100
4.2.4 Temperature sensor
The temperature in the baking oven is measured by a temperature sensor (type PT 500) for
appliances with control board. The sensor is provided at the rear of the appliance. It is used to
transmit to the electronic systems the values for:
cyclic heating the radiators until the selected temperature is reached;
switch off the radiators in case of overheating of defective sensor;
switching ON/OFF the cooling fan.
Fig. Temperature sensor
Fig. Electrical resistance of sensor depending on the ambient temperature