ElectroHeat Sweden AB
Phone: +46 31 764 36 30
VAT No: SE556101713701
Box 8065
Fax: +46 31 54 47 02
402 78 Göteborg
Email: [email protected]
2. Program
2.1 Create a heating program
From the start window you can create a heating program for the furnace directly. The heating
program consists of different segments. To add the first segment click on the Segment box 1 where it
says; “Click here to add a segment”.
Add segment
Different segments can be chosen:
Wait to start:
Type in when program should start. Enter 60 minutes if program should start in an
hour and enter 0 minutes if program should start directly etc.
The heating will be made with full power up to typed temperature thereafter heating
rate typed in “ Ramp Up” will be used.
Ramp Up:
Desired heating rate and dwell temperature is typed in. The temperature rate will be held
until the dwell temperature is achieved.
The desired dwell time is typed in.
Manual Dwell:
When the dwell temperature is achieved following text message appears for the
channel “Manual Dwell Press here to continue”. When pressing this message the cycle jumps out of
dwell segment and continues to the next segment.
Ramp Down:
When cooling with certain rate is required, desired value is typed in here.
Program Down:
When temperature in “Program done” has been achieved the program will end and
stop logging temperature.