User Manual SCA-SE-30-06
I max
The following action requires the motor to be operated with maximum load. The motor
current may be measured e.g. using current probe with effective value display, or by means
of an ammeter located in the motor line.
I max
decides on the maximum possible motor current.
The following limits have to be observed:
- Left stop: 5 % of rated current of 6 A
- Right stop: 100 % of rated c (0 – +10 %)
Do not overheat the motor. For this reason, the
I max
limit should always be
selected lower than the maximum admissible constant current.
Encoder mode
This is a closed loop speed mode that receives the speed information from the encoder.
The advantage of a better speed regulation is given especially at lower speed. The encoder
input is proper for encoder with differential or without differential outputs. Connect only the
existing signals of the encoder.
This potentiometer is helpful to stabilize the speed in a certain range after a change of the
load. First detect the number of revolutions at the lower level, then raise the load and adapt
the speed using the
An optimum precision of the compensation however is not realistic, because the behaviour
of the motor after a load change is only predictable in a certain tolerance.
If the motor current during the alignment procedure starts to oscillate, these disturbances
may be suppressed using the
IxR Mode
The IxR mode is a voltage mode with an additional factor to correct the speed under
changing the load. The speed regulation is good but not stable for all load conditions.
Tacho Mode
In the tacho mode the feedback information is coming as a voltage signal from a tacho
mounted at the motor.
E-Mail: [email protected] www.electrocraft.com May 2009