06/07/2016 9
Insert plenum thermometer 6” to 8” above the electric element section, position to measure the warm air
from the electric elements. Proceed with the following procedure, observing the various staging action,
element power current, and the outlet temperature.
Verify controller setup dial switch settings per previous section. For this test, set the center dial
switch to #7. Return to previous setting at the end.
For this test the ODT dial switch needs to be at 0 or #3. Again return to previous setting.
Using WF Analyzer (or software) set the outside temperature (OT) to 5°F.
Initiate thermostat call for heat:
Verify heat pump is operational and producing heat, not cooling.
Verify red LED’s are staging in, the system should go to all four stages.
Verify electric element heating and plenum thermometer temperature is rising.
With full heat output, wait 5 to 10 minutes to stabilize temperature and take the following
Plenum temperature _______
240 heating power, voltage _______
Measured 240 amps, current _______
Measured transformer control, voltage _______
As you perform this test monitor the red LED on the relay board. This LED determines hi-limit
cycling. If the red LED came on and you observed hi-limit cycling, corrective action will be
required to make sure hi-limiting does not occur during normal operation.
Verify all airflow is through the electric elements (proper baffling, electric element
positioning, etc.)
Increase airflow or determine ducting distribution problem loading the system.
Perhaps it can be assumed full electric element heat is not required when the compressor
is running. If this is the decision, change the center dial switch to #4. If this improves
the air delivery situation, provide informational technique to make sure the user never
sets the center switch to #5, #6, or #7. If #4 still produced hi-limit, try #3. For proper
heating comfort #3 would probably be the lowest acceptable number. Again if you
cannot sustain non-hi-limiting operation with #3, a serious evaluation of the basic
airflow, blower, ducting system will be required to match your specific kW electric unit
This test tool and/or software is available for temperature offset, field altering the program chip
parameters and setup, and general assistance for troubleshooting.
See the enclosed “WarmFlo Information” document (HD320) for functional details.