EDA-D6000 Installation Manual
Page 4 of 6 Ref: EDA_D6000_Install_V107.doc
To put the heat detector into log mode, follow the procedure below:-
The panel will need to be put into ‘add device’, ‘replace device’ or new set-up mode
Remove the base by rotating the detector anti-clockwise and pulling apart.
Ensure the power jumper is removed.
Press and hold the unit removal peg and the reset button on the front of the detector simultaneously.
With these buttons both pressed down, fit the power link.
If the mode is successfully selected the LED on the front of the unit will glow green.
Both buttons can now be released.
The panel will indicate that it has found a device of type heat detector. It will also indicate what type of heat
detector the unit has previously been programmed to. The factory default is A1S.
Confirm this on the panel and select the correct zone number.
The panel will now ask whether to use default values or custom settings. Select which option you require. To
meet EN54 Part 5 the unit must be programmed to type A1S. Follow the instructions on the screen selecting the
appropriate values. The selections can be made by using the cursor keys.
The available settings in the advanced menu, which are described above, are as follows.
Zone Number:
Sensitivity / alarm temp:
Area 1:
Area 2:
Output Timeout:
Alarm Verify:
Fitting the unit to the ceiling.
If not already fitted the power link should be fitted on the ON position. When applied the unit will beep and the LED
will flash initially green. It will then flash red once a second indicating the unit removal condition. When fitting the unit
to its base the red marking on the base should be aligned with the led on the outer case. The detector should be located
in the base and rotated clockwise. Once mounted correctly press the reset button for about a second until it beeps. The
LED should stop flashing if the unit is mounted correctly.
Should the temperature exceed the alarm condition threshold the unit will indicate the alarm condition by illuminating
the LED. The internal buzzer on the detector will also beep. An alarm transmission will be made to the control panel
and the alarm will be indicated on the panel. The sounder is instructed to sound by the control panel and so if
programmed accordingly the sounder would sound a few seconds after the alarm is displayed on the control panel.
To change the battery in the detector:- replacement part: 1 x EDA-Q690
The battery should last approximately five years in the heat detector. Always use batteries supplied by Electro Detectors
otherwise this will invalidate the certification. Many similar battery technologies are available but only the ones that
meet certain properties can be used with these units. The battery pack is fitted with 2xAA Lithium Thynol Chloride
cells. Min voltage 3.0V, Max 3.7V. The maximum current drawn when the unit is sounding is 60mA. When the battery
is approaching its end of life the unit will transmit a low battery condition, which will be indicated on the control panel.
The system will still function for at least a further 60 days in this condition before the unit fails to operate. Once the
batteries are too flat to operate, the unit will either indicate a “verify fail” fault, because the panel has lost
communication with the device, or a battery fault will be displayed. Should either of these be witnessed, the batteries
should be changed immediately. If the unit detects a fault with the battery a ‘battery fault’ will be indicated on the
panel. Therefore:-