2. Apply glue to the exhaust stacks and install them onto
the fuse. R/C-56 Glue (JOZR5007) is recommended.
3. Turn the model over and glue the belly fairing to the
bottom wing using R/C-56 Glue. Medium CA is also suitable,
but only one small drop should be used at the LE former
and at the TE former so that the panel can be removed later.
Install the fairing with the hole facing aft.
4. Apply a strip of double-sided tape to the bottom of the
pilot fi gure and attach it to the cockpit fl oor.
Center the Controls & Check the
Control Directions
WARNING: Once the battery is connected to the ESC,
stay clear of the propeller!
1. Turn on the transmitter, center the trims, and move the
throttle stick all the way down. Plug your airplane’s battery
into the ESC and check to see that all servo arms are
positioned properly. If necessary, remove the servo arms
from the servos and reposition them so they are centered.
Reinstall the screws that hold on the servo arms.
2. With the transmitter and receiver still on, check all the
control surfaces to see that they are centered. If necessary,
adjust the pushrods to center the control surfaces. Apply
thread locking compound to the locking screw threads and
tighten all of the Screw-Lock pushrod connectors.
3. Install the servo bay hatch.