Front Panel Board Assembly
Place the Front Panel PC board in front of you with the
"KAT100 FP" label at the left.
Install the following two resistors at the right edge:
__ R115, 220, 5% (red-red-brn)
__ R116, 470, 5% (yel-vio-brn)
Install 120-ohm resistors in all remaining resistor locations (R101
through R114).
Install the following components on the bottom side of the board:
__ Q101 and __ Q102, PN2222A (align flat side as indicated)
__ C101 and __ C102, .047 (473)
TPIC6B595 ICs are very sensitive to static discharge.
Touch a grounded, unpainted metal surface before handling
Place a TPIC6B595 IC at U101, but
do not solder yet
. Note the
pin 1 location. The labeling on U101 should read upside-down with
respect to the "KAT100 FP" label.
While holding U101 firmly against the PC board, bend the four
corner pins on the IC outward to hold it in place.
The front panel
metal piece will not fit correctly unless U101 is seated flat on
the board.
Re-check the orientation of U101, then solder.
Install U102 in a similar fashion.
Follow all LED installation instructions carefully to
preserve the appearance of your KAT100's front panel.
Sort the rectangular LEDs into groups according to color.
Install a
LED at D101, at the left end of the Front Panel
board, but
do not solder yet
As indicated on the board, the long
lead (anode) goes to the right.
Hold the LED flat against the board (not tilted). Bend the leads
outward on the bottom side to hold it in place. Then trim both leads.
Solder one lead of the LED, keeping soldering time to 1 to 2 sec.
If the LED is tilted or is not pressed flat against the board, re-heat
the lead while pressing the LED down.
Once the LED is correctly positioned, solder the other lead, again
keeping soldering time to 1-2 seconds.
Install a
LED at D102.
Make sure the long lead is to
the right.
Before soldering, adjust the LED's position as with D101.
LEDs at D103, D104, D105, and D106. Make sure
the long lead is to the
for these and all remaining LEDs.
LEDs at D107, D108, and D109.
LEDs at D110, D111, and D112.
Install a
LED at D113.
Install a
LED at D114.
Using a discarded component lead, make a 3/4" (19 mm) U-
shaped wire for the ground jumper (
), near R101. Mount the jumper
with the top of the U-shape no more than
1/8" (3 mm)
above the
board. Solder from the bottom side.
Trim all leads as short as possible on both sides of the board.