Credit Card Sale
Swipe the credit card
Select the type of product/fuel (soft key)
If applicable, select the type of service
and/or quantity (soft keys)
Input the $ amount and press
Verify the $ amount and press
Receipt will print
Credit Card Sale,
Manual Entry
(soft key)
Input the account # and press
Input the expiration date (MMYY) and
Select the type of product/fuel (soft key)
If applicable, select the type of service
and/or quantity (soft keys)
Input the $ amount and press
Verify the $ amount and press
Receipt will print
Credit Card Sale,
Force Entry
(soft key)
Swipe card or manually input the
account #
Input the 4-6 digit authorization code
Select the type of product/fuel (soft key)
If applicable, select the type of service
and/or quantity (soft keys)
Input the $ amount and press
Verify the $ amount and press
Receipt will print
Credit Card Refund
(soft key)
(soft key)
(soft key)
Input the password (if necessary)
Swipe card or manually input the
account #
Select the type of product/fuel (soft key)
If applicable, select the type of service
and/or quantity (soft keys)
Input the $ amount and press
Verify the $ amount and press
Receipt will print
Credit Card Void
Voids may only be processed on sales
within the current batch (shift)
(soft key)
If correct ticket #, press
(soft key)
Cancellation receipt will print for voided
If NOT correct ticket #, press
(soft key)
Input correct ticket # and press
If correct ticket #, press
(soft key)
Cancellation receipt will print for voided
Fleet Retail Application
Quick Reference Guide