The payout chart shown on the screen is
of how the game will perform based on
an estimate
the money used to play. In the example above, if the game was played only using quarters
then the value of each token played is .25 each. Based on the settings and value of a ticket
the operator can expect the game to payout roughly 7.49%.
In the example above the player gets 12 tokens for a dollar. This changes the value of the token
to .083 each. Now the machine can be expected to payout roughly 23.77%.
Since players will be using different amounts, the results are added together and the average
of the totals will be the expected payout.
The only three options which actually affect the machine’s game play are:
In the above example the value is set to 35 - This
Average Card Dispensed Cycle
means that approximately every 35 shots (give or take a random amount) a card will be
dispensed from the upper card dispenser.
In the example above the value is set to 3000 - This means that approximately
Table Cycle
every 3000 shots, when the bonus wheel spins it will land on and dispense a Golden Ticket
card from the side card dispenser.
Every third shot during game play, the machine will dispense mercy tickets.
Mercy Tickets
You can adjust this from 1 to 5 tickets.
None of the other values will affect anything during game play. Bonus wheel spins are
completely random (except for a Golden Ticket). The other options are only used to display
an expected percentage based on the value of your ticket and how many tickets you are
hand paying for cards redeemed.