Window> and select <External Program Window>, then the dialog box popup as Fig.
11-1shows. Select what program you want to open.
Fig. 11-1
Sometimes the application program will have several windows; software will list all the
windows to the window menu. For example, in this case, select the calculator application
program carried with the Windows system, this program has two windows: Calculator
window and
window, as shown in Fig. 11-2. Some of these windows
are not used to display, while others cannot display it, so you must correctly select the
window to display in the window list.
Fig. 11-2
22.4 Set External Program Window
The setting interface of external program is shown as Fig.11-2.
The program's name, it will appear in the left directory editor column,
shown as on the left menu bar of Fig. 11-2.
File Path:
shows the directory where the program is in the local computer. Click
the button<
> to select other application programs.
Cut Top, Cut Bottom, Cut Left, Cut Right
: Used to adjust the application
program’s display location.
Play time
: The program’s stop time in the multimedia window.
Select Play form
: Software has listed program windows related to this external
application program, so the users need to correctly select the desired display
23. Timer Display