2. General Instructions
3. Operating Instructions
• Multi-Colors
• Master/Slave synchronization
• Color Strobe
• LED operation menu with function buttons
• Electronic Dimming 0-100%
• Daisy Chain Units Together in DMX Mode
• DMX-512 protocol
• Sound control
Set up:
Power Supply:
Before plugging your unit in, be sure the source voltage in your area matches
the voltage required for your every suit. Every unit is available in 100v and 240v version. Because
line voltage may vary from venue to venue, you should be sure your unit voltage matches the wall
outlet voltage before attempting to operate you unit.
DMX Linking:
To ensure proper DMX data transmission, when using several DMX units try to use
the shortest cable path possible. The order in which units are connected in a DMX line does not
influence the DMX addressing. For example; a unit assigned a DMX address of 1 may be placed
anywhere in a DMX line, at the beginning, at the end, or anywhere in the middle. When a unit is
assigned a DMX address of 1, the DMX controller knows to send DATA assigned to address 1 to
that unit, no matter where it is located in the DMX chain.
DMX Mode:
Operating through a DMX controller gives the user the freedom to create their own
programs tailored to their own individual needs. This function also allows you to use your fixtures
as spot lights.
1. This function will allow you to control each individual unit’s traits with a standard DMX 512
2. The LED suit uses 5/9 DMX channels to operate. Please see “DMX Values and Functions” for
the DMX traits.
3. To run your unit in DMX mode, plug in the unit via the XLR connections to any standard DMX
controller. Set your desired DMX address following the setup specifications that come with your
DMX controller.
You can use the fixture in 4 ways:
• Sound-Active mode (F/A) - The unit will react to sound, chasing through the built in programs.
• Auto Mode - The unit will automatically chase through the different colors and built-in programs.
• Master-Slave Mode – One unit will work as the master in the one of the above three modes,
other units in the chain will work in synchronization towards the master.
• DMX control mode - This function will allow you to control each individual fixtures traits with a
standard DMX 512 controller.