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b. Average speeds:
The Average Speeds graph includes two averages.
- An average by time slot, which is displayed as curves on the graph. (1 curve per way: ingoing/outgoing)
- An overall average which is displayed in the lower part of the graph (legend).
The average by time slot corresponds to the arithmetic average calculated on the speeds included
between the starting/ending dates and assembled on a default time period of 60 minutes.
The overall speed corresponds to the arithmetic average of all the speeds included between the
starting/ending dates on the time period selected. The software sums all the instant speeds then divide
the result by the number of measures. The shortcut « Crtl+X » allows you to export the totality of the
measures in a .csv file.
c. Percentiles
Le 85th percentile is an important indicator frequently used to report the behavior of the majority of the
drivers. It is the speed respected by 85% of the drivers. The 85th gives an idea of the speed scattering.
If the 85th is close to the average, this indicates that the speeds observed on a road are consistent. If the
opposite is noted, this means that a significant proportion of drivers are above the speed limit.