In this window you must select the
Enable Panadapter
box and choose the frequency values for the
various modulations. At the end you have to confirm by clicking the OK button.
Be careful when setting of various frequencies: in some devices the frequencies vary according to
modulation: for example, in some trasceivers, the reception chain of the FM modulation differs
from that of AM/SSB and requires different values; also in many devices you need to set the values
taking into account the BFO settings for CW and SSB.
Use Notes
FDM-SW2 has four receivers. You might set the first so that the tranceiver’s tuning commands and
the FDM-SW2 ones operate together. This is achieved by selecting the option
Lock to CF
(Lock to
Central Frequency) that is at the right side of tuning indication, as you can see in the figure below.
If you want to activate a second receiver making sure that it locks on the signal you are receiving,
use the option
Lock ABS
(Absolute Lock), as shown below, that relates to RX2.
With these settings the transceiver tuning knob moves the center frequency of the FDM-SW2 and
with it also the tune RX1, which is then in isofrequency with the transmitter.
The RX2 receiver instead remain fixed on the chosen frequency without losing contact with the
station you are listening to.
An example of use of this configuration is what you can do when trying to connect a DX-spedition
operating in split by calling on a fixed frequency and listening to some kHz away.
In this case RX2 is used to listen to the fixed frequency and RX1 to move to an unused frequency
on which to make the call.
You can also try with RX1 to hear the OM contacting the DX-spedition in order to have an idea of
the frequency on which the DX-spedition is listening to in that moment, trying to understand how it
is moving so you can make the call on the right frequency at the right time.
To facilitate listening and distinguish more easily the DX station by the calling OMs you can decide
to connect the two receivers to two different earphones so that you have, for example, RX1 on the
left headset and RX2 on the right one.
All this is just an example. You can also work in different ways, suggested by your experience.