Instructions to configure ELAD S1/S2 as an auxiliary receiver
for a transceiver
By properly configuring the FDM-SW2 program, you can ensure that the receiver connected to it
operates synchronously with the transceiver. To do so you must install the program OmniRig on the
same PC on which it is installed FDM-SW2.
Possible scenarios
Depending on the available transceiver, as well as your preferences, the receiver can be connected
in three different ways.
Auxiliary connected receiver
if you have a transceiver with RX OUT output. This is the
most flexible configuration, since it allows to use simultaneously both the transceiver’s
internal receiver and the ELAD device.
if you have a transceiver with IF OUT output. This configuration also allows to
simultaneously use both the transceiver’s internal receiver and the ELAD device. The major
limitation of this configuration is that both receivers must operate on the same band; it is not
possible, for instance, to listen to a band while operating the tranceiver on a different one.
Auxiliary switched receiver
if you have a transceiver with no RX OUT or IF OUT output. In
this case you have to use an external switch such as, for example, the model ELAD ASW-1.
This is the most penalized configuration because it does not allow you to use the
transceiver’s internal receiver.
Auxiliary receiver
auxiliary connected receiver
auxiliary switched receiver
modes logically operate in the
same way. The difference between the two modes depends on the availability, on the transceiver, of
a switched outlet (RX OUT).
The RX OUT socket allows you to connect an external receiver using the Rx/Tx switching inside
the transceiver itself. When this socket is present, simply connect the receiver input (S1 or S2). If
this socket is not present, you must have an external switchbox (like, for instance, ELAD ASW-1).
Task of this switchbox is to connect the antenna to the receiver (S1/S2) while receiving and connect
the antenna to the transceiver while in transmission. The switchbox is controlled by the transceiver
itself, usually using the line normally used to switch any linear amplifier (ELAD ASW-1 is able to
switch sensing the power on the transceiver antenna outlet).
The term
refers to the possibility to connect the receiver to the socket where it is present
the IF signal of the transceiver’s receiver.
In this case, the FDM-SW2 program will continue to display the reception frequency even if it
operates within the IF channel.
Operating in panadapter mode you are limited to the transceiver’s IF available bandwidth. Usually
this is not a problem because the socket extracts the IF signal before the roofing filter.