Version: V07-05
Last modification: September 2017.
15. Tailplane and rudder ……..……………… Secure, condition
Check the physical condition of the tail surfaces for damage and security.
Make sure the attachment bolts which hold the horizontal stabilizer to the
frame are secure. Lift the nose of the gyroplane and move the rudder by
hand and make sure it is free to move on its axis without any slackness.
Check that front wheel turns at the same time as the rudder. Check the tail
wheel for signs of damage.
16. Steering cable …………………………………….... Tension
Check the tension of the steering cables by hand. Pull and sharply release
the cable to verify it. The cable vibration will produce a low frequency
musical note.
17. Pre-rotator system:
Inspect the drive elements of the pre-rotator system. Make sure the drive
belt is in good condition. Move the piston by hand until the belt tightens.
Release the piston and make sure the pulley returns to the “non-drive”
position. Try to turn the transmission by hand –
make sure it is braked
Check that the universal joints are secure and that no distortion or play can
be seen.
18. Cooling pipes, exhaust & spark plugs (right) …… Secure
Make sure that the engine cooling pipes (right side of engine) including the
cooler, the exhaust system and the spark plug connections are secure, no
visible signs of damage or leaks.
19. Engine cooling fluid ………………………………………… Level
Make sure the white tank has at least ¼ of its capacity of cooling fluid.
Make sure the black tank is full. Open only with cold engine!
20. Left leg of landing gear, wheel & brake ……….. Condition
Check the physical condition of the left main landing gear, the wheel, the
fairing and the brakes. Verify tire condition and pressure. The correct
pressure is 2 bar (30 psi).
21. Electrical wiring (Right) …………………………… Condition
Inspect the electrical wiring harness on the right side of the mast up to the
rotor head. Make sure all wiring is secure with no damage. Make sure the
strobe light on the mast is secure.