PlusIO • 4
Generation Intel
Core™-4xxx Processor
Screw-Locked mDP Connector Cable Assembly (Delock)
Option Screw-Lock Plate for mDP Cable Connectors
Screw Locking Option for mDP Connectors
Opposite to the Standard DisplayPort cable connectors, mDP connectors are not provided with a
latching device. For rugged applications with need for a connector locking mechanism, EKF offers two
methods of fixing.
1. The front panel is provided with a threaded hole for fixing a removable H-shape retainer plate,
which is available from EKF as accessory (image above).
2. As an alternate, the customer can use cable assemblies with screw-locked mDP connectors (image
below). The front panel has to be modified however for this solution (two threaded holes in addition,
please specify when ordering).
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