MCE2035: User manual
Version: 2011-05-17, rev.: 0a
Page: 3
2.1 Introduction
This document describes the use of a MCE2035 Profibus-DP module from Eilersen Elec-
tric, when it is equipped with the program listed on the front page.
With the program specified on the front page, the MCE2035 Profibus-DP module is capa-
ble of transmitting weight and status for up to 4 load cells in a single telegram. Each load
cell is connected to the Profibus-DP module through a load cell interface module.
It is possible to connect the MCE2035 Profibus-DP module to a Profibus-DP network,
where it will act as a slave. It will then be possible from the Profibus-DP master to read
status and weight for each of the connected load cells. Functions as zeroing, calibration and
calculation of system weight(s)
be implemented on the Profibus-DP master.
By use of DIP-switches it is possible to:
select measurement time.
select scaling.
include one of 3 different FIR filters.
Exchange of data between master and slave takes place as described in the following.
2.2 Profibus-DP specification
The MCE2035 Profibus-DP module confirms to the following Profibus-DP specifications:
Protocol: Profibus-DP
Communications form:
Module type:
Baud rates [kbit/sec]:
9.6, 19.2, 93.75, 187.5, 500, 1500, 3000, 6000, 12000
Profibus address:
Profibus connection:
9-pin sub-D (female) connector
IMPORTANT: Load cell modules and instrumentation must be placed outside the
hazardous zone if the load cells are used in hazardous ATEX (Ex) area. Furthermore,
only ATEX certified load cells and instrumentation can be used in ATEX applica-