It is important to check that all Alarms are communicating in their final installed
positions. If Alarms are rotated, have had their antennas extended and/or re-sited,
we would recommend that all the Alarms are returned to the factory settings and
then House Coded again in their final positions (see above). The Ra
interconnection should then be checked again by button testing all units.
(Note: The Ra module can be returned to the originally factory settings by
pressing and holding the House Code switch until the blue light flashes and then releasing.
This will take about 7 seconds. This clears the House Codes that have been learnt).
Supply Voltage:
3V internal lithium battery (non-replaceable)
RF Range:
A minimum of 100 metres in free space
RF Visual Indicator:
Blue light flashes continuously for 0.5 to 3.5 seconds while
transmitting RF signal
RF Frequency:
868.499MHz (1% duty cycle)
Max RF Power:
57mm length x 30mm depth x 18mm height
Temperature Range:
0° to 40°C
Humidity Range:
15% to 95% Relative Humidity (non-condensing)
Interconnect *:
Up to 12 Ra or RadioLINK modules
Technical Specifications