Frequent testing of the system is a requirement to
ensure its reliable operation. Guidelines and best
practices for testing are as follows:
1. After the system is installed.
2. Regularly (monthly testing is recommended).
3. After prolonged absence from the dwelling (e.g.
after holiday period).
4. After repair or servicing of any of the components.
5. After renovations to the house.
To test an individual Alarm press and hold the test
button until the horn sounds. This ensures that the
Alarm is powered and that the circuit is functioning
To test the Ra system, press and hold the test button on one of the
Alarms. The blue LED from the Ei600MRF will illuminate for approximately 3.5
seconds. Continue to hold the test button until all the Alarms in the system are
sounding. This will take a few seconds depending on the number of Alarms and
their locations in the system, e.g. a system with 12 Alarms may take up to 45
seconds for them all to sound. Release the test button when the test is completed.
Testing the System