Fusion E10 Combi
Installation and technical manual
Page 30
Trouble Shooting/Cont.
No heating to radiators
Possible programmer
Low boiler pressure
Check programmer is set for desired
time settings
Pressurise to 1.5 bar
No heating and hot
Poor flow rate
System must have a minimum of 5
Lpm to operate (press right arrow
key on boiler until L/min is eliminated
this will show you system flow rate.
Poor flow rate
Possible chocked
magnetic filter
If filter is clean !
Close isolation valves and clean
Replace boiler flow sensor
Flashing boiler control
Inlet/ outlet sensor fault
Press right arrow key until blue circle
is illuminated at top of control panel if
an (E) is shown replace inlet sensor
(follow same procedure for red circle.
(outlet sensor)
Power to boiler but front
boiler control panel
Possible boiler overheat
Check overheat cut outWT3
If brass pin is out, turn of main power
to boiler and reset ( a firm push is
require to reset WT3 you will feel it
click into position )
Boiler continually cutting
out on WT3
Possible power board fault
1-Reset WT3,
2-Turn power on to unit.
3-Switch programmer off,
4- check for power to main heat
exchanger (6 brown cables on LHS
of terminal strip within boiler
5- if power is found on any
connection REPLACE power board.