In this case:
Latitude = 33.828873 (North), Longitude = -113.130500 (West)
This is the last position that your Eggfinder reported, and should be very close to your actual
landing position.
Using the Latitude/Longitude Data to Find Your Rocket
Now that you have the coordinates of your rocket’s resting place, you need to able to get to it.
The easiest way is to use some kind of tracking app on your GPS-enabled smartphone. We’ve
used Motion-X on the Apple iPhone with good results. Basically, you set a waypoint for your
current location, add the latitude/longitude of your rocket as a waypoint, and use the Go To
function to take you right to it. You don’t need a satellite map, all you need to do is follow the
track on your smartphone.
In this example, we’re going to use MotionX on an iPhone. iPhones are nice, but one annoying
thing about them (for our use, at least) is that they generally won’t take input from an external
GPS, so you’re going to have to enter the coordinates into the iPhone manually. (If you’re
using an Android device, and you have interfaced the Eggfinder RX to a Bluetooth-Serial
board, you can actually capture the last location from your Eggfinder without having to enter it
manually.) Before you start using it, we recommend that you download and read the user’s
manual for MotionX; it wouldn’t hurt to have a copy on-hand an your launch site for reference,
either. You can find it at
What you want to do BEFORE you launch is to set wherever you are standing right now as
your “Home” location. After you get the landing coordinates, you simply tell i
So, from the MotionX menu, go to Waypoints. Hit the “+” key to add a waypoint, then select
Current Location. Give it a name, like the name of your launch site, and save it. Select Edit
This Waypoint after you save it, click on the menu bar, and select “Make this my Home”.
Here are some step-by-step instructions, click on the links to display screenshots from the
Eggtimer Rocketry web site.
Tap on Waypoints, then “+” for “add waypoint”…, then select My Position.
Give it a name, then save it…
Then make it your Home waypoint…