Mount the MOSFET
Locate the spot for the MOSFET, it’s just to the right and below the voltage regulator. Very
carefully remove the MOSFET from its package.
Lightly tin the large pad nearest to the right side of the board. With tweezers, hold the
MOSFET in place, centering it over the pad. If you have it right, the two leads on the other
side should just sit on the opposing pads. Heat up the lead over the tinned pad until the solder
starts to flow onto the lead, wait a few more seconds, then remove the iron and let it cool for at
least 5 seconds before you let it go. Note that this is a big pad, so it may take several seconds
to get enough heat into the pad to melt the solder.
Inspect the alignment of the MOSFET, making sure that the other two leads are sitting on their
pads. Once you are satisfied, solder the remaining leads to the pads.
Mount the 4.7K resistor
Locate the 4.7K resistor (marked “472”) to the right of the MOSFET. Solder it in place.