Note that some of the components are static sensitive, so you should avoid sources of static
electricity while you are handling them. We recommend that you assemble the Quark on a
wood or metal surface unless you are fortunate enough to have a high-temperature anti-static
mat (don’t buy one just to build the Quark, however!) A piece of ceramic floor tile works
great, too. Avoid putting it on plastic surfaces that generate static, and preferably put it
together in a room that’s not carpeted. That being said, it’s very unlikely that you will zap any
of the components in the Quark with static electricity, but consider yourself notified of the
Also note that some of the components are polarized, i.e. it matters which way you put them in.
If you solder one of these components in backwards, the effect will range from not making any
noise (buzzer) to nothing at all working. It is CRITICAL that you test-fit the parts before you
solder, and that you make
that you have them pointed the right direction before
soldering. Like the old adage says, “Measure twice, cut once.” If you solder a part onto the
board incorrectly, it can be a minor pain to remove if it only has two pins, or it can be virtually
impossible for something with a lot of pins.
The Eggtimer Quark Limited Warranty does not
cover incorrect assembly
, so if you mess up badly enough you may end up having to get
another kit and starting over; neither of us want that.
There are several different resistor values, so make sure you get the right ones in the right
place. They are marked on the boards, but once again you need to make SURE that you have
them in the right place before soldering. Unsoldering parts on a small circuit board like the
Quark isn’t a lot of fun, even if you have a vacuum desoldering tool. Trust us, we’ve been
there before…
It is very important that you assemble the Quark in the order listed. This makes it easier to
access the surface-mount components, if you start soldering out of order it’s going to be tough
for you to get to the pads of the SMT parts.