Locking Headers (Optional)
The RevD Eggtimer has the wiring pads spaced to accept 4-pin locking headers. Using
matching locking plugs, this allows you to easily remove the Eggtimer from the rocket by
unplugging the locking headers. Note that the locking header kit includes 7 headers/sockets
and the pins; however we recommend that you DO NOT install the header on the
Battery/Switch pads if you plan on using your Eggtimer for triggering parachute deployments
or airstarts. This is for the same reason that we don’t have screw terminals… they CAN go
intermittent under some conditions, and losing power during flight is a bad thing. If you are
going to be doing multiple deployments/airstarts, you should SOLDER the battery clip/holder
to the board, and SOLDER the switch leads to the board.
If you purchased the locking header kit, install a 4-position header into each of the sets of 4
pads (except perhaps the battery/switch pads). Note that the headers stick out from the edge of
the board about 1/16”, this is normal since the pads are spaced so that the board size is
minimized if you do not use the headers. The locking tab should face the INSIDE of the board,
so that the open side of the headers face OUTSIDE the board. Hold them down flush with the
board using some masking tape, turn the board over, and solder the header pins.
Assembly of your Eggtimer is now complete. Inspect the solder side of the board carefully,
looking for “cold” solder incomplete solder joints. Cold solder joints appear dull instead of
shiny, and may appear as blobs of solder and not have the nice “wetting” of the pad that you
will see with good joints. A magnifying light is good for checking the board. If you want, you
can also use some spray flux remover on the component side of the board, a small brush like an
old toothbrush will help remove any flux residue. This will make it a little easier to spot for
incomplete solder joints. Warning: DO NOT spray flux remover directly on the top side of the
board, it may damage the pressure sensor!