Commissioning the EFOY lithium battery
Page 42
The activator for the EFOY lithium battery and the SFC Bus End Piece are
similar in appearance. Both components are labeled for differentiation.
Ensure that you do not mix the two components.
Connect the cables in the following sequence to connect the EFOY fuel cell to the EFOY
lithium battery:
Push the large plug connector with the four individual cables into the fuel cell
Then connect the positive pole to the battery first, followed by the negative pole
Connect the data cable and, if available, the EFOY Bluetooth Adapter BT2 to the
EFOY Fuel Cell via the port doubler
Plug the data cable and SFC Bus End Piece into the two RJ12 inputs on the battery.
The cable and end piece are not allocated to the two RJ 12 inputs, and therefore
this is irrelevant
The EFOY App provides you with information from both the EFOY Fuel Cell
and the EFOY Lithium Battery. To do this, the EFOY Bluetooth Adapter BT2
must be plugged into the EFOY Fuel Cell (see picture below).