Duramax 6.6L LBZ/LMM
DSP5 User Guide
- 15 -
13. Remove the pink clip completely
from the connector
14. Take the ratcheting mechanism /
cover off the connector. First, pop
up the end nearest the wire bundle.
15. The pin is to be inserted in location
46 (from this view with the wire
bundle on the right side of the
connector, it’s the 3
slot in from
the beginning of the second row. If
confused, follow the red wire
across the picture.)
Referring to this view, the pin needs to be oriented such that the wider side of
the head of the pin is closest to location 47 (grey wire).
It is a good idea to have a small piece of rigid wire (or a straightened out paper-
clip) near by to help push the pin into location.
Reinstall the pink clip.
If the clip won’t slide completely through the connector,
especially if it stops in the area of the new pin, then check that the pin has been
seated in the connector with the rigid wire.
Once the pink clip is in place, press the sliding portion of the ratcheting
mechanism back into the connector and attach the ratchet lever / cover back
onto the connector (the lever is to be down in the “locked” position when this is
carried out.) Having the slide pushed in and the lever down properly position the
gear and slide.
C1 is now ready to be connected to the ECM, so pull the lever back to the fully
open position and insert the connector into the top port until you feel the slide
mechanism make contact with the ECM. Now begin pushing the lever up while
helping the ratchet feed the connector into the port.