• The upper Ethernet port must be connected to the prepress network. Do not connect the
lower Ethernet port to the prepress network, as it can cause serious network problems. If
you are using DHCP, the network adapter is already configured properly. If you are using a
static IP address on the Fiery proServer, you need to reconfigure the network adapter, as
described below.
1 In Control Panel, click Network and Internet, and then click Network and Sharing Center.
The Internet access type indicates if network bridging is activated.
2 Double-click “Change adapter settings”.
Local Area Connection represents the lower Ethernet port (for the printer). Local Area
Connection 2 represents the upper Ethernet port (for the prepress network).
3 Double-click the Network Bridge icon.
The Network Bridge Status window appears.
4 Click Properties.
The Network Bridge Properties window appears.
5 Under “Adapters”, select “Local Area Connection” to configure the network for the printer.
6 Under “This connection uses the following items”, select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/
IPv4). Then click Properties.
The Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) Properties window appears.
7 On the General tab, configure the settings for the printer.
If you want to assign an IP address via DHCP you do not need to make any changes. A static
IP address is recommended. To assign a static IP address, select “Use the following IP
address”, and enter an IP address for the printer.
8 Click OK to return to the Network Bridge Properties window.
9 Under “Adapters”, select “Local Area Connection 2” to configure the network for the prepress
network. Then click Properties.
10 On the General tab, configure the settings for the prepress network.
If you want to assign an IP address via DHCP you do not need to make any changes. A static
IP address is recommended. To assign a static IP address, select “Use the following IP
address”, and enter the IP address of the network.
11 Click OK, and close all windows.
12 If applicable, at the printer, configure the printer network settings with the static IP address
You can now connect to the printer from the Fiery proServer and from the prepress network.