Service Guide: Fiery Central Solo for KM
Normal startup sequence
When you turn on or reboot the FC Solo, the system runs a startup routine. The following table lists the normal
startup sequence as it appears on the FC Solo control panel and on the monitor.
Table 3:
Normal startup sequence
Error messages and conditions
To address specific error messages or conditions, see
“Table 4: FC Solo error messages and conditions”
the table to locate the problem or symptom that you want to fix, read about the possible causes, and then perform the
suggested actions to solve the problem.
If replacing a component does not correct the problem, make sure that you reinstall the old component in the FC Solo.
Control panel
FC Solo is powered on.
No backlight
Black screen
Code in the motherboard
BIOS tests, initializes, and
configures areas on the
Lights and then
displays efi|fiery
BIOS screen
Black screen
Windows operating system
starts up.
static logo
Windows logo screen
Windows Log On
Windows desktop appears after you log on with the Admin password.
Server software completes
startup process.
static logo
Fiery Central Bar appears with the message
Starting... Please wait
static logo
Fiery Central Bar indicates
Table 4:
FC Solo error messages and conditions
Possible cause
Suggested action
Beep codes during startup
1 beep
No error—the FC Solo
is starting up normally.
6 long beeps
Missing, unmatched, incorrect, or
faulty DIMM(s)
Check for missing, unmatched, incorrect or faulty
DIMM(s) and reseat the DIMM(s) to remove any
oxidation on the connector (see