Job Log:
The list of jobs in the Job Log and any jobs in the queues are deleted when you
install system software. The network administrator can use Command WorkStation to
save a current list of jobs (not the actual jobs) from the Job Log.
All fonts on the hard disk drive are deleted when you install system
software. Resident fonts are reinstalled when you reinstall system software. Any customer-
supplied fonts must be reinstalled by the network administrator using Command
To determine which additional fonts were downloaded to the E-42, print the Font List
before you install the system software and again after you complete the system software
installation. Any fonts not listed after installation must be reinstalled. For more
information, see
, which is part of the user documentation set.
The existing Setup configuration is lost when you install system software.
Make sure to use Backup/Restore to create a backup of the system software configuration,
and print a Configuration page before you install system software, so that you can
reconfigure the settings in Setup.
Static IP address:
If the E-42 requires a static IP address (for example, in a non-DHCP
network environment), be aware that the previous IP address configuration is deleted
when system software is reinstalled. To reconfigure a static IP address (if applicable), work
with the network administrator as described on
User documentation:
All user documentation files resident on the E-42 are deleted when
you install system software. If user documentation is resident on the E-42, remind the site
administrator to reinstall the documentation files after you finish installing the system
Custom simulation and output profiles:
Custom simulation and custom output profiles
saved on the hard disk drive are deleted when you install system software. Ask the site
administrator to save a copy of any custom profiles to a CD or network location before
you install software. Make sure to use Backup/Restore to create a backup of the system
software configuration, For more information, see
Configuration and Setup
, which is part
of the user documentation set.
Monitor profiles:
Monitor profiles saved to the hard disk drive are deleted when you install
system software. Monitor profiles for the E-42 monitor are automatically reinstalled when
you reinstall Command WorkStation on the system.
System software updates:
All updates to system software (Windows OS and Fiery System
Software) which may be available for the E-42 and installed from any source (for example,
System Updates (see
), patches provided on CD or downloaded by the customer)
are deleted when you install system software.
When upgrading the system software, make sure that the latest user
software is installed on all computers that print to the E-42. Using incompatible versions
of the system software may result in system problems.