Schmid & Wezel
47 of 72
11 / 2011
Front rail
Take the same steps to disassemble the front rail
of the splitting saw for maintenance purposes.
Fig. 10:
Replacing the guide (5)
New gap: 0.6mm
(Max. gap: 2 mm)
Fig. 11:
Replacing the guide (7)
Install the saw belt, see section "Assembling
the saw belt"
5.3 Adjustment of the spring
The spring balancer setting is fine-tuned by
means of the PLUS/MINUS screw on its housing
(see Fig. 13).
Fig. 12:
Spring balancer
Turn the screw in MINUS direction until the
saw is hanging freely in equilibrium (with the
spring balancer) at working height.
If the saw cannot be pulled out, the spring
balancer is jammed and a readjustment is
Turn the screw in PLUS direction until the saw
can be pulled out and start the fine adjustment
again (see above).
Fibre guide