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Button „HTML export“
The parameters of the chosen device (Master (0) or Slave 1…3) are displayed in HTML format
in a separate window of the browser and can be printed, e.g. for documentation purposes.
Only parameters of devices, which have been edified in the sub-
menu „New/adapt“ before, can be
Load device parameterisation
Import of a parameter file from an arbitrary folder into the chosen device.
Only parameters of devices, which have been edified in the sub-
menu „New/adapt“ before, can
Import Excel Parameterisation
In certain applications, parameters need to be imported from an Excel-file into the devices.
refer to section 6 „Parameterisation by Excel
5.2.3 Menu System
In this menu different system functions can be defined for the annunciator. Submenu Time
Fig. 5.11: Submenu Time
Manual time synchronisation
With click on the button “set time” the manually entered time is sent to the USM.
With click on the button “set actual time” the
PC time is sent to the USM.
Synchronisation by NTP
For time synchronisation two alternative NTP-server can be used. For this the server name or
IP address as well as port number of the service need to be defined. If a Universal
Annunciation Server (USS) from EES is used within the network, this can provide a time-
server. To use the USS’ time server, please enter the USS IP address instead of the server
Synchronisation by IEC
Alternatively, the time can be synchronised with the SCADA system connected through the
IEC interface. Submenu Network
The USM provides an Ethernet interface on the terminal X8 (Network 0). Optionally the annunciator
can provide an additional Ethernet interface on the terminal X98 (Network 1). Both interfaces are
completely separated and need to be operated in two independent networks.
The two Ethernet interfaces are equivalent and can be used e.g. for communication with a SCADA
system or for parameterisation. For both Ethernet interfaces IP-address, subnet mask and gateway
address can be parameterised.
On the page „time“ the time zone and way of time
synchronization can be defined. The internal real
time clock of the annunciator can be set manually
or synchronized cyclically by a NTP-server or the
IEC interface.